(949) 316-9800
Resculpt, Cellulite, Fluid Mobilization, Inch loss, Post Surgery Healing
I am the West Coast Trainer for Endo Systems, the National Distributor for LPG in the United States.
Endermologie utilizes a specialized technique to resculpt and enhance the body. Endermologie activates lipolysis, which releases the stubborn genetic fat that doesn't respond to traditional diet and exercise.
Endermologie is known for cellulite treatment, but assists with body contouring, skin toning, increased metabolism, blood circulation, oxygenation, reduced cellulite appearance, increase fluid mobility, reduce inches, boost performance, alleviate muscle pain, detox, weight loss.
Skin toning is not always an option with other body contouring machines but is necessary as aging doesn't have a stop button.
Treatments are non-invasive, no down time, painless and relaxing. Endermologie can be used for both the face and the body.
A comprehensive consultation will be performed to obtain all necessary information to develop the ideal treatment plan for you.
Endermologie sessions consist of twice to three times a week to start, then bi-monthly optimization.
Packages are available in sessions of twelve or twenty-four for both the body, face and combination.
There is an option for Express Treatments which can be used as an adjunct for a specific 'target' area of the face or body. These express treatments can be used to 'customize' the areas that need the most attention.
There is documentation of the benefits of Fluid Mobilization/Lymphatic Drainage is necessary for detoxifying the body, encouraging metabolism, assists with pre/post surgery, reduce edema and wrinkles, fatigue, stress, sleep disorders, chronic pain, GI issues, IBS, Rheumotology disorders, arthritis, osteoporosis, migraines and vertigo to name a few.
The lymphatic system is throughout the entire body. This is why I conduct both a face/body session for a lymphatic treatment. This approach assures that stagnation is addressed as well as assuring overall wellness.
Please copy this link and view this video: https://youtu.be/H7Sxb5KaIWU